Kutyás idiómák - a kánikulától a komédiáig
A kutya az ember legrégebbi és legközelebbi társállata, nem csoda, hogy számtalan szólás, idióma és hasonlat kapcsolódik hozzájuk. A következőkben lássunk erre néhány példát az angol nyelvből.

dog days
Jelentése: kánikula
As a kid, I loved lounging in the swimming pool during the dog days of summer.
We spent the dog days of summer in the mountains.
In the country, midsummer marks the final burst of activity before the lazy dog days of July and August.

every dog has its day
Jelentése: egyszer mindenkinek eljön az ideje, egyszer mindenki kap esélyt
Don't worry, you'll get chosen for the team; every dog has its day.
I've been waiting a long time for success - four years - but every dog has its day.
You may become famous someday. Every dog has its day.

to be like a dog with two tails
Jelentése: örül, mint majom a farkának
Mike's team won the match. Their manager was like a dog with two tails.
Mary's been like a dog with two tails ever since she got her promotion.
Lucy will be like a dog with two tails if she gets into the team.

shaggy-dog story
jelentése: hosszú és fárasztó történet, se füle se farka történet, favicc
Don't let John tell a shaggy-dog story. It'll go on for hours.
Mary didn't get the point of Fred's shaggy-dog story.
Life's just one big shaggy dog story.

(to) dog-ear
jelentése: szamárfül; szamárfüllel ellát
I always leave a dog-ear in my textbooks to indicate an important page when I'm studying.
I really hate it when people dog-ear their books. It ruins the look of the page!
Schools are using dog-eared books.

to fight like cat and dog
Jelentése: olyanok, mint a kutya meg a macska; folyton harcolnak egymással
The two sisters are always fighting like cat and dog. They never agree on anything.
Those two fight like cat and dog, so please don't put them together on the project.
They had fought like cat and dog ever since he could remember, and he wondered how they'd got together in the first place.

Let sleeping dogs lie.
Jelentése: ne ébreszd fel az alvó oroszlánt
There's a saying about letting sleeping dogs lie.
I was very careful about what I said. It's best to let sleeping dogs lie, I think.
Oh, don't mention that fight they had months ago - let sleeping dogs lie!
Why does she come over here stirring everything up? Why can't she let sleeping dogs lie?

Jelentése: holtfáradt, kimerült
I'm always dog-tired after a day at the amusement park.
Mom was dog-tired and needed a nap before dinner.
After hiking for several hours, he was dog-tired.
By dusk, we were dog-tired and heading for home.

dog's breakfast/dinner
jelentése: rendetlenség, összevisszaság, rumli, káosz, 'kupleráj'
I really need to clean out my closet-it's starting to look like a dog's breakfast in there.
Don't ask Julie to help you with the decorating - she made a complete dog's breakfast of painting the kitchen!
He was rightly sacked because he had made such a dog's dinner of an important job.

a dog in the manger
Jelentése: irígy kutya
The toddler, like a dog in the manger, refused to give her older sister the notebook she needed to complete her school assignment.
You are a dog in the manger, Cathy, and desire no one to be loved but yourself!
You should not adopt a dog-in-the-manger attitude.

Why keep a dog and bark yourself?
Jelentése: Minek tartasz kutyát, ha te magad ugatsz helyette? Miért veszel igénybe szolgáltatást ha megcsinálod úgyis?
I don't know why she's vacuuming when her cleaning lady is coming over tomorrow. Why keep a dog and bark yourself?
Isn't it about time you clipped the front hedge, Henry?' asked his wife.
'That's the gardener's job' he answered. 'Why should I keep a dog and bark myself?'

a barking dog never bites
Jelentése: amelyik kutya ugat, az nem harap
Mr. Stewart may yell a lot, but I doubt he'll do anything to you - a barking dog never bites.
My boss threatens to fire me at least once a week, but a barking dog never bites.
That horrible couple next door keeps threatening to call the police when we play music, but a barking dogs never bites.

You can't teach an old dog new tricks.
Jelentése: túl idős ahhoz, hogy változtasson a szokásain vagy valami újat tanuljon
I've been away from school for fifteen years; I can't go back to college now. You can't teach an old dog new tricks.
Kevin's doctor told him not to eat starchy food anymore, but Kevin still has potatoes with every meal. I guess you can't teach an old dog new tricks.
It's great that you want to teach your grandpa how to use a computer, but just be aware that it can be hard to teach an old dog new tricks.

dog and pony show
Jelentése: komédia, nagy felhajtás, csinradatta, műsorszám
So, why the dog and pony show?
The car dealership had quite the dog and pony show this weekend in an attempt to sell their old inventory.
I'm bombarding my boss and the others with charts, graphs, facts, and figures, but the boss responds by dozing off during most of my dog and pony show.
All right, this dog and pony show will be over around 8:00.
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